Our field employees experience a very varied wo rkload indeed. One day you might be adding new cash registers to a retail store, the next day you might be installing network, voice and speaker cable at a new warehouse, and the day after you might be troubleshooting a router connection at a bank. You will need to be flexible, as our hours are al igned 100% to our customers’ requirements, and need to be the kind of person who enjoys extensiv e travel. 2-week trips to the West Coast are not unknown, although travel is more typically up to one week within the East and Mid West regions. The work can be very rewarding and satisfying ind eed, and there is a certain sense of achievement in most of the work carried out. This is certainly not like working at a desk or on a production line. We take great pride in trying to treat all employ ees with total respect and not as commodities. We try to make the work as enjoyable as possible and try to be easy to work with.


    Real World Communications operates a strict drug free environment. All offers of employment with Real World Communications are conditional on satisfactory completion of 10 panel drug screening.

    The use of or being under the influence of illegal drugs and/or alcohol is inconsistent with the behavior expected of employees. The use of illegal drugs and alcohol and misuse of prescribed and over the counter drugs subjects employees and visitors to unacceptable safety risks that undermine the Company’s ability to operate safely, effectively and efficiently.

    The use, possession, distribution or sale of controlled substances such as drugs or alcohol, being under the influence of such controlled substances (drugs and alcohol) or testing positive for alcohol or any drug including, but not limited to, inactive components or metabolites associated with the use of such drugs is strictly prohibited while on duty, while on Company premises or work sites or while operating the Company’s equipment or vehicles.

    Our Company participates in post-offer, random and post-accident drug and alcohol testing. If injured on the job you will be expected to participate in a drug and alcohol test immediately following the injury.

    If this policy causes you any concerns, please do not apply for any position with Real World Communications.


    Real World Communications operates a strict non discrimination policy and will not base any employment or career decisions on gender, race, sexuality, faith, age or any other characteristic. All employees will be treated equally, fairly and courteously without discrimination.

    We will not tolerate any deviation from this policy by any employee, whether toward colleagues, customers, suppliers or any other person with whom the employee might come into contact while performing his/her duties.

    If this policy causes you any concerns, please do not apply for any position with Real World Communications.